The tropics have turned into roses with this Red, Yellow, & Pink Roses Bouquet! This is what you have longed for to express your feelings. A flower bouquet that embodies joy and laughter all reflected on the bright mix of flowers in this cute and sassy flower array. Better get ready for florist-arranged bouquet of roses in red, yellow, and pink because it’s going to make your day and your special someone’s day gleaming as ever!
Hand-arranged with perfection by the florists of GitsToKabul.com with love and care, these alternating rose colors will keep you preoccupied with happy thoughts and more. Its design will not confine you with romance because you can send this to family and friends alike and it can also be a new baby gift or get well gift to a loved one in the hospital.
Red, Yellow and Pink Roses Bouquet is also a well-loved choice when it comes to using roses as decoration on weddings or baby showers. It’s definitely an all-around preference for every flower fanatic in Afghanistan. This pretty Bouquet is available for next day delivery.
- Color of Flowers: Red, Yellow, Pink
- Type of Flowers: Roses
- Number of Stems: 6 / 12 / 24 / 48
All our gifts are presented in an attractive wrap or package along with your personal message and can be sent to your special someone, family, friend, or acquaintance whenever there is an occasion or when you simply want to express your feelings and make your recipient feel loved and treasured. Surprise your loved ones in Afghanistan by sending them this fabulous gift. Whatever you wish to say, this gift along with your personal message is here to convey. All our gifting products are carefully prepared to meet the highest quality standards. You can shop confidently with us as we assure you that we at Giftstokabul.com, clearly understand the importance of our customers’ expectations and satisfaction.
- Delivery area is currently limited to Kabul city only. For up-to-date information regarding our delivery areas, please check our Shipping Policy.
- Delivery processing time is usually 1 to 3 days.
- The delivery cannot be redirected to any other address.
- Due to perishability of products, Covid-19 pandemic, security situation, delivery will be attempted only once. However, a second and final delivery attempt will be possible provided that assurance of client and approval of company is obtained.
- All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. Actual product and its arrangement or packaging design may vary slightly due to product enhancement, and seasonal availability.
- In case of unavailability, the ordered product will be replaced with similar variant in terms of product type and value.